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Elthorne Estate First Cooperative review

This consultation has ended

Start date 07 November 2022
End date 09 December 2022

The Elthorne First Co-op is the Tenant Management Organisation (TMO) for the Elthorne Estate. Under the terms of the Co-op's Management Agreement, the Council is required to carry out a comprehensive monitoring review of the Co-op’s performance every two to five years. This review considers how the TMO operates as an organisation, how it manages the blocks, communal areas and individual flats on the estate, and what residents think of the Co-op and the services it provides. The review will scrutinise the Co-op’s governance, financial management, employment practices, equal opportunities policies and procedures, and the quality of its service delivery to residents. 

The views of residents are central to informing the findings of this review. Please tell us what you think of the Co-op and the services it provides. You can do this by completing the Resident satisfaction survey. This is an opportunity for you to make your views known and to provide feedback that will be useful to the Co-op and the Council in improving the way the properties are managed.

Resident satisfaction survey

Your views will be incorporated into the monitoring review report but no specific individuals will be identified.

Please complete one resident satisfaction survey per household.

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.