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Charlton Place and Camden Passage Consultation

Tell us what you think of proposed changes to Charlton Place and Camden Passage

This consultation has ended

Start date 25 July 2022
End date 22 August 2022

As part of our commitment to make Islington a cleaner, greener and healthier place for all, we proposed and held a public consultation to deliver improvements to Charlton Place and Camden Passage in summer 2022.

We are delighted to share the results from the consultation and our plans to take forward the improvements to Charlton Place and Camden Passage. The improvements will support Camden Passage and the Angel Town Centre, benefitting local businesses and local people with measures such as outdoor seating, pavement widening and planting beds to boost biodiversity and improve air quality, making the area greener and more attractive for those who use it every day.

Results from the consultation

Following a public consultation held from 25 July to 22 August 2022, our initial plans to improve Charlton Place and Camden Passage evolved to take into account feedback, further monitoring and road safety assessments.

You can read the full consultation report which includes detailed results.

How we transformed Charlton Place and Camden Passage

To significantly improve the local environment and the public realm, we introduced in spring 2023:

  • continuous crossing at Camden Passage, with tactile paving to reinforce pedestrian priority
  • new paved areas, replacing some existing paving with a new and more attractive York stone paving
  • more greening including planting beds and trees
  • permanent holding bay to support local businesses and reduction of short stay bays

Improvements update July 2023

Changes to the Experimental Traffic Order

Based on feedback we have received from local people and businesses, we will be implementing a new set of proposals to deliver further improvements across the Charlton Place and Camden Passage area. This includes:

1. 'Local Access Only' zone to prevent through traffic on Charlton Place

This means that Charlton place will be open to any local resident or business, delivery driver, visitor, or customer who wishes to access a business, trader or home in Charlton Place, Camden Passage, Shalford Court or Noble Yard, whilst helping to reduce traffic volumes. 

Delivery drivers and taxis will still be directed to Charlton Place as long as they input a local address in their sat-navigation.

2. Weight restriction over 3.5 tonnes (HGVs)

To reduce the risk of property damage and traffic danger we will implement a weight restriction for vehicles above 3.5 tonnes. Local businesses and residents will be permitted exemptions where appropriate.

3. Reviewing the proposed public seating

We are proposing to install two single seats to provide a resting point for older and disabled visitors.

4. Raingardens in Charlton Place

We will construct the raingardens in the southwestern section of Charlton Place from September 2023. The raingardens will create a nicer and greener environment and they will help to prevent flooding by collecting excess rainwater.

You can find further details in the Charlton Place and Camden Passage improvements update resident leaflet.

How to object to the Experimental Traffic Order 

The 'Local Access Only' zone and weight restrictions for lorries above 3.5 tonnes will be introduced under an Experimental Traffic Order (ETO) trial. Once the ETO comes into force, there is a six month period in which objections can be made. Any formal objection to a specific ETO must be in writing and must state the grounds on which it is made. 

To make an objection, please send it in writing to us between 4 August 2023 to 4 February 2024 by:

Get in touch

You can reach out to us if you have further questions, by dropping us a line at or by post: Public Realm, 1 Cottage Road, London, N7 8TP.

To find out more about our people-friendly streets programme, visit our dedicated webpage

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