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Bath Street and Peerless Street traffic and environmental improvements consultation

Tell us what you think of proposed changes to Bath Street and Peerless Street

This consultation has ended

Start date 24 October 2022
End date 20 November 2022

As part of our commitment to make Islington a cleaner, greener and healthier place for all, we are proposing to deliver traffic and environmental improvements to Bath Street and Peerless Street. This is an exciting opportunity to improve conditions for local residents and teachers, students, and their carers of St Luke’s Primary School.

We initially consulted on a traffic proposal for Bath Street in December 2021. Following feedback regarding local access and the safety of children at St Luke’s Primary School, we have made some changes to the scheme and want to know what local people, businesses and community organisations think of the proposal.

Proposed changes to Bath Street

In collaboration with TfL, we have been looking at how we can improve safety and accessibility as well as make the area more attractive.

We are proposing to:

  • Install a camera enforced traffic restriction at Old Street to stop vehicles using Bath Street and Peerless Street as a cut through, while retaining access for local vehicles via City Road and Baldwin Street.
  • Introduce more greening through tree planting on Radnor Street, the installation of planters on Bath Street and low-level planting beds on Peerless Street.
  • Add measures to reduce road danger at the junction of Bath Street and Peerless Street.

To reduce road danger, we are proposing to make changes to parking:

  • Convert two residential parking bays to low-level planting beds on Peerless Street, as shown on the map.
  • Relocate the existing bike hangar further east on Peerless Street.

Our plans include changes to how vehicles access Bath Street:

  • Vehicles will no longer be able to access Bath Street from Old Street or Bunhill Row.
  • You will still be able to drive on Bath Street, however access will be via Baldwin Street and Peerless Street.
  • Traffic will be able to exit Bath Street via City Road and Peerless Street (northbound) as well as via Old Street (southbound).
  • Northbound access for cyclists and emergency service vehicles remains unchanged.
  • Northbound traffic flow on Bath Street between Peerless Street and City Road remains unchanged.
  • Emergency vehicles and cycles (including cargo bikes) can pass through filters, but not other motor vehicles. Any motor vehicle passing through a camera-enforced filter from Old Street or Bunhill Row will receive a penalty charge notice (PCN).

You can see a map of the proposed changes further down this page. 

How to take part in the consultation

We want to hear from local people, community groups and businesses on how you think this measure will impact you. The quickest way to let us know what you think is to fill in the online questionnaire by 11.59pm on Sunday 20 November 2022 when the consultation period ends. It should take around 5-10 minutes.

If you would like a paper copy of the questionnaire, please:

  • Write to: Public Realm, 1 Cottage Road, London, N7 8TP
  • Visit us at 222 Upper Street (N1 1XR) to fill in a paper copy.

Have your say

Map of proposed changes

Map showing proposed traffic flow for Bath Street and Peerless Street

Results of the 2022 consultation

Thank you to everyone who provided their feedback.

The feedback showed that since the works to transform Old Street roundabout began:
  • 53 per cent indicated there has been an increase in motor traffic on Bath Street and Peerless Street
  • 52 per cent indicated there has been an increase in noise on Bath Street and Peerless Street
  • 64 per cent indicated action should be taken to improve people's health by making it easier for people to walk, wheel, scoot and cycle more.

We have now published the results from the consultation, and you can find the full consultation report in the ‘Useful Documents’ section at the bottom of this page.

Having carefully considered the wide range of feedback received, the council has decided to deliver the proposal.

When the environmental improvements are complete, vehicles will not be permitted to access Bath Street from Old Street. Access to Bath Street and Peerless Street will be via City Road and Baldwin Street. Vehicles will be able to access Old Street from Bath Street.

Next Steps

We are planning to start works in mid-February 2023. We will write to local residents ahead of construction works starting.

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.