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Non Recent Child Abuse Proposed Support Payment Scheme

This consultation has ended

Start date 06 April 2021
End date 02 June 2021

Islington Council has published a proposed support payment scheme for survivors of abuse suffered while placed by the council in one of its children’s homes from 1966 to 1995.

The proposed scheme would enable abuse survivors to receive a financial support payment of £8,000, without having to bring a civil compensation claim. Payments would be made through a process that is as straightforward and quick to access as possible, and that minimises the need to re-live past trauma, or the risk of further trauma or harm. The scheme proposal document and terms and conditions, set out the full details, including how long the scheme will be in place, who is eligible, and how the scheme will be administered.

The council welcomes feedback on the proposed scheme, with all comments and suggestions carefully considered before the scheme is finalised.  

How to provide feedback 

Anyone can respond to this consultation. However, we would especially like to hear from survivors and key individuals or organisations, including those working with or representing, survivors.

There are a number of ways that you can give your feedback before the deadline of 11.45pm on Wednesday 2 June

Complete the online feedback form

We have a dedicated team on hand. To request support, an online meeting with our specialist independent facilitators to give your feedback, or the documents in an alternative format, please email  

If thinking about the scheme or taking part in this consultation is causing you distressthere are a number of services who can provide support to you.

What happens next?

Once the consultation has closed, all feedback will be reviewed and carefully considered in the final design of the scheme.

The final Support Payment Scheme will be submitted to the Council Executive in September 2021 for consideration and approval to proceed with the scheme. 

More information  

If you have further queries, please email  

Was this information helpful?

Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.