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Let's Talk Islington survey

This consultation has ended

Start date 30 November 2021
End date 27 March 2022

The world has changed so much in the last 10 years. A decade of austerity, the Black Lives Matter and climate emergency movements, Brexit, and COVID-19 – we have seen huge social events that have challenged our understanding of the world and exposed the deep inequalities that exist in our society.

Islington Council wants to understand how these challenges have impacted you locally.

That’s why, from November 2021 until 27 March 2022, Islington Council will be talking with and listening to, everyone in our borough about how we can improve life for all, together – and we want to hear from you. Find out more about Let's Talk Islington.

This survey is one way we are gathering your thoughts about what it is like to live, work or study in Islington. There’ll be plenty of opportunities to express your views, both in-person and online – please see the Get Involved Section of this website for more details of upcoming events and opportunities for you to get involved in and to have your say.  You can also email us on

We’ll use your feedback to design new ways of delivering services and supporting communities across the borough. We’ll be testing these ideas out locally from summer 2022 – so look out for exciting changes in your neighbourhood.

Please complete this survey for a chance to win one of 1x £100, 2x £50, or 5x £20 Love2shop vouchers, which can be used in 20,000 restaurants, shops or attractions. Read our prize draw rules before completing the survey.

This survey will take no more than five minutes to complete.

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.