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Islington Draft Local Plan - consultation on proposed modifications

This consultation has ended

Start date 19 March 2021
End date 09 May 2021

The Council is currently reviewing Islington’s Local Plan, which sets out a range of planning policies which will be used as the basis for making decisions on future planning applications. The draft Local Plan is at an advanced stage following several rounds of consultation and was submitted to the Secretary of State for Independent Examination in February 2020.

We are now consulting on some focused changes (known as modifications) to several documents, which have been made in response to issues raised by the Planning Inspectors who are examining the plan, in response to recent changes to national planning legislation, as well as other clarifications and updates.

From Friday 19 March until Sunday 9 May we are inviting comments (known as representations) on modifications to the following Local Plan documents:

  • Strategic and Development Management Policies – this sets out strategic policies to identify where and how change will happen and detailed policies to manage development.
  • Site Allocations - these set out site specific policies for a number of sites across the borough which will contribute to meeting development needs. You may have received a letter about site allocations as we have written to landowners and adjacent properties and put up site notices
  • Bunhill and Clerkenwell Area Action Plan - a plan for the south of the borough, covering the majority of Bunhill and Clerkenwell wards, where significant change is expected to occur over the plan period. It also includes site specific policies for this part of the borough.

In addition, a number of other supporting documents have recently been updated and expanded. These include additional evidence related to housing supply, the amended Policies Map, and the Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) (This brings together into a single framework a number of assessments of the social, environmental and economic impact of planning policies).

These documents and other Local Plan supporting documents can be viewed online.

Representations must be submitted by Sunday 9 May. Representations submitted after this time will not be accepted.

Comments should be focused on the changes proposed to the draft Local Plan documents and not other aspects of the plan that remain unchanged.

Please note that comments will be made publicly available. We will remove names and personal contact information. We will also need to provide the contact details of those who have made comments to the Programme Officer (who is responsible for organising and managing the Examination and is independent of the council) so that they can be kept informed of the Examination process and opportunities to be involved.

You can request to be notified of the progress of the Examination, including the publication of Inspectors recommendations and adoption of the plan.

For more information on the basis on which we process, use and store your information, please refer to the Council’s Privacy Policy

If you have any questions about the consultation, email Planning Policy

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.