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Tileyard Road and Vale Royal Creative Quarter Neighbourhood Area and Forum applications

This consultation has ended

Start date 20 March 2020
End date 01 May 2020

Islington Council has received an application seeking designation of a Neighbourhood Area and Neighbourhood Forum named Tileyard Road and Vale Royal Creative Quarter in the Caledonian ward. The proposed neighbourhood area covers part of this ward.

If the applications are agreed by the council, there will be a designated Tileyard Road and Vale Royal Creative Quarter Neighbourhood Area and a designated Tileyard Road and Vale Royal Creative Quarter Neighbourhood Forum for the area. The Forum can then produce a ‘neighbourhood plan’ for their area; this is a statutory planning document which contains planning policies for the development and use of land in the neighbourhood and can be used in making decisions on planning applications in the area.

The council is consulting residents, those who work or carry on business in the area and other interested stakeholders from Friday 20 March to Friday 1 May (a period of six weeks). The Neighbourhood Area and Forum applications, and supporting documents, can be viewed below; and at Islington Town Hall, Upper Street, N1 2UD (9am-5pm Monday to Friday).

Any comments on the applications should be sent to the Planning Policy team, in writing to:

Planning Policy,
Islington Council,
Town Hall,
Upper Street,
London N1 2UD;

Alternatively email:

Any comments must be submitted by Friday 1 May and will be made publicly available.

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