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Have your say on our ideas for the Jean Stokes Community Centre

This consultation has ended

Start date 10 November 2020
End date 01 February 2021

We would like to discuss our ideas for improving the Jean Stokes Community Centre with you.

We want to ensure that this exciting new project reflects the needs and hopes of local people and would like to involve as many of you as possible. Local residents have already been involved in helping to recruit the architects, Public Works Group, who will be taking the community centre forward with us. We are also meeting with and hearing from current users of the space and their input will be central to the plans we make.

This project is part of the council’s ‘We are Cally’ programme to create a fairer future for the Cally.

Making the Jean Stokes Community Centre a space for all

We have held workshops on 16 November 2020, 14 December 2020 and 11 January 2021 to discuss our proposals.

You can see our proposals for the centre developing in the summaries of the workshops below.

The current proposals can be seen in the 11 January Workshop Summary and we would welcome your comments on these proposals:

Summary of the 11 January workshop

Summary of the 14 December workshop

Summary of the 16 November workshop


Please let us know what you think of our proposals by 1 February 2021.

Give us your feedback

If you prefer you can collect a physical copy of the latest proposals, and feedback your ideas through the letterbox, at the Jean Stokes Community Centre.

You can contact the architects at or 079 2671 0660.

Next steps 

Summer 2020 - Architects are appointed
Autumn/Winter 2020 - Public Consultation
Spring/ Summer 2021 - Works to start on site
End of Summer/ Early Autumn 2021 - Works to finish

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