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Arlington way improvements

This consultation has ended

Start date 03 February 2020
End date 24 February 2020

Have your say on proposals to widen the cycle lane and improve safety on Arlington Way

Islington Council wants to improve the facilities on Arlington Way to make it more accessible to all types of cycle such as cargo bikes and adapted cycles used by disabled people.

The current environment at Arlington Way is not designed to accommodate the needs of disabled cyclists and cargo cycles.

To the south end, where Arlington Way meets Rosebery Avenue, the contraflow cycle lane is too narrow for large adapted cycles which a require 1.5m wide cycles lanes to manoeuvre conveniently and safely.

The speed cushions on Arlington Way pose a hazard as their position and camber can cause three-wheeler cycles to unbalance and they also force cyclists too close to parked cars where people may be opening car doors.

The Council is therefore proposing to:

  1. widen the cycle lane at the south end of Arlington Way
  2. replace the existing the speed cushions with 'sinusoidal' humps, which are safer and more comfortable for cycles and more effective in reducing vehicle speeds 

The consultation opens on Monday 3 February 2020 and closes on Monday 24 February 2020 

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