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Baring Street Road Safety Improvements

This consultation has ended

Start date 07 October 2019
End date 28 October 2019

Islington Council is proposing to make road safety improvements to reduce traffic speeds on Baring Street to tackle speeding issue for the safety of the community.

We are seeking your views on the council’s proposals to implement the following:

  • Installing speed cushions along the road. These are ‘bus friendly’ and should reduce general traffic speeds, but not hinder the journey for buses.
  • Installing a raised Zebra pedestrian crossing with associated yellow flashing beacons and tactile paving located between the eastbound and westbound bus stops. This is to help people cross the road to access either of the bus stops. The removal of some parking spaces to make space for the crossing would be necessary However it was noted that parking bays are not fully occupied during the traffic survey.
  • Building out sections of footway with planters to guide traffic around parked cars.
  • Providing electric vehicle charging bays to the western end of Baring Street in line with the Council’s sustainable transport goals.

The consultation document is available to download at the bottom of this page.

Please undertake our online consultation

For further information please contact Joyce Cheng on 020 7527 2000.

Please submit your comments and views by 28 October 2019.

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.