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Islington’s Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan 2018-2022

This consultation has ended

Start date 24 May 2019
End date 16 June 2019

Have your say on Islington’s Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan

Our vision is to make Islington a welcoming and attractive borough and to create a healthy environment for all. Central to this is the need to reduce the amount of waste we create and increase recycling and re-use by working with our residents and businesses to make waste management more sustainable. 

We will contribute to London being a zero-waste city. This means that by 2026 no biodegradable or recyclable waste will be sent to landfill, and by 2030 65 per cent of London’s municipal waste will be recycled.  

To do this, we have developed an ambitious but realistic Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan. It is crucial to get our residents and businesses on board if we are to improve the way we manage waste, so we are consulting on the draft Plan and we welcome your views. 

This consultation will last from 24 May until midnight 16 June.

We will consider your feedback and complete the draft strategy by the end of June. This will be submitted to the Mayor of London by 26 September, once Islington’s Executive Committee have approved the final version.

We are holding three events where you can come and talk to us to discuss the Reduction and Recycling Plan. These are at:

Finsbury Library, Thursday 30 May, 10.30 to 12.30

Municipal Offices, 222 Upper Street, Monday 3 June, 10.00 to 12.00

N4 Library, Tuesday 4 June, 10.30 to 12.30

How to respond

We would prefer you to respond online.

You can also send your responses and comments to or write to:

Islington Public Realm

PO Box 2025


Thank you for taking to time to look at Islington’s draft Reduction and Recycling Plan.

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