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Drovers centre consultation

This consultation has ended

Start date 22 July 2019
End date 01 September 2019

Islington Council is consulting on the future of the Drovers Centre and the services that are currently provided there. For full details of the consultation and proposals, you can download the consultation pack in the useful documents section below.

We would very much like to hear your views, which you can share in a number of ways, including:

Council officers will also be holding a series of drop-in sessions throughout the six-week consultation, where you can share you views and ask questions, between 11am and 2pm on the following dates:

  • Thursday 25 July
  • Thursday 1 August
  • Tuesday 6 August
  • Tuesday 13 August
  • Wednesday 21 August
  • Wednesday 28 August

Further information

Telephone: 020 7527 3225

Was this information helpful?

Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.