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Consultation on Islington Council’s proposed insourcing policy

This consultation has ended

Start date 09 October 2019
End date 09 November 2019

What are we consulting on?

The council is seeking views on its proposed policy to deliver services in-house by default in future - unless it can be demonstrated that outsourcing them would be better for residents in terms of service quality and cost.

The council has brought a number of previously outsourced contracts back in house successfully since 2010, with proven benefits for residents and staff.

There will still be some services which are better provided by outside organisations.

Under the proposed policy, the decision to continue with outsourced arrangements in future will be assessed case-by-case, in a consistent way, by the council’s Commissioning and Procurement Board. They will consider quality of service as well as financial and social value.

Who would we like to consult?

The council has a duty to consult the following groups of people:

  • Local taxpayers (ie Islington residents)
  • Local ratepayers (ie local businesses)
  • Service users (ie people who use Islington services)
  • People with an economic interest in the borough (which could include organisations who have contracts with the council)

The Council can only consider the views expressed from those in the above.

When is the consultation?

The consultation will run from, Wednesday 9 October 2019 until Saturday 9 November 2019.

How can I respond?

Please completed the online survey at the link below by Saturday 9 November.

Please note that individual replies on the consultation will not be provided but we will provide a summary of views after the consultation has closed.

About your data

We need you to confirm that you meet the criteria above as part of our survey form.

We will not use the information you provide for any other purpose or share it with other Council departments/external bodies.

We will always process your information in accordance with the law - for more information on how we process, use and store your information, please refer to the Council’s Privacy Policy

Further information

If you have any queries, please email

For more detail, please see the Corporate Insourcing Policy report agreed by the Council’s Executive. 


Please complete our online survey

Consultation on Islington Council’s proposed in-sourcing Policy


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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.