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Bride Street gate – access and safety consultation options

This consultation has ended

Start date 06 December 2019
End date 22 December 2019

The existing gate and surrounding area outside St Mary Magdalene Early Years Centre is unattractive and tired and the cycle way running past it is difficult to navigate, especially for beginners or people using larger cycles.

We would like to improve access for cycles, improve safety for pedestrians, and improve the public space.

In September 2019 we held two workshops to hear residents’ views and comments on the space. From the information we gathered at these meetings we developed a few options and visualisations, which we took again to residents at a workshop held at the gate on Saturday 2 November 2019.

You have told us how important it is to keep the road closed while improving cycle access and pedestrian safety. We also learnt how mopeds and cycles ride on the footway to avoid the fire gate, putting pedestrians at risk. There was a strong appetite to address this issue, and to improve the look of the space.

Based on all the comments we have received and our understanding of the place, we have developed two options, which we would now like you to choose from.

We would now like to hear what you think of the two options we have developed. The consultation online opens on Friday 6 December 2019 and will close on Sunday 22 December 2019.

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