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Bemerton South gas appliance and fireplace questionnaire

This consultation is closed

Start date 03 January 2020
End date 13 January 2020

We are doing everything possible to tackle the current housing crisis including building more than 550 new council homes by 2022 – the biggest scheme to build new council homes in Islington for a generation.

As part of our proposals to develop new homes at South Bemerton, we have been carrying out surveys of the existing buildings and services. We now need to collect information regarding the gas appliances and fireplaces in your home, as well as investigate the use and condition of the chimney chutes.

This questionnaire is for all leaseholders at Dunoon House and Caithness House. You can leave your comments online by clicking on the link below.


Please complete our online survey


For more information please contact the Development Officer, Patrick Neville on 020 7527 6058 or Patrick.Neville

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.