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Transport Strategy 2019 – 2041


29 July 2019 29 July 2019
29 September 2019 29 September 2019

A healthy, fair, accessible and enjoyable transport environment in Islington

Islington Council is tackling poor air quality, and making getting round the borough safer, enjoyable and sustainable for all.

In June, we declared a climate emergency. Islington Council is committed to taking bold action to reduce carbon emissions and to tackle climate change.

The draft Islington Transport Strategy sets out the Council’s transport vision, central aim, objectives, policies and proposals for the next two decades.

This consultation is an important opportunity for local people and organisations to comment on our draft strategy and tell us about their transport priorities to help shape the final Islington Transport Strategy.

Draft Transport Strategy Summary Document

Draft Transport Strategy Full Document

Key principles include:

  • making it safer and easier to walk and cycle, and reducing car use
  • eliminating all deaths and serious injuries from transport
  • significantly cutting transport-related carbon emissions to help Islington become net carbon neutral by 2030
  • improving air quality by reducing polluting traffic
  • making Islington’s streets and neighbourhoods more enjoyable and welcoming places

The draft strategy includes pioneering proposals including:

  • transforming the Old Street and Clerkenwell Road corridor by closing it to through traffic, helping to prioritise walking, cycling and public transport
  • the roll-out out of school streets or equivalent at all schools to improve air quality and road safety
  • investigate phasing out resident and business parking permits for diesel and petrol vehicles by 2030
  • create low traffic areas, to support the development of liveable neighbourhoods. “

What do we want to achieve?

  • Make our streets and neighbourhoods enjoyable and welcoming places to be in, and travel through
  • Create a more sustainable borough by making walking and cycling safer, easier and more pleasant
  • Make transport more accessible and inclusive
  • Improve air quality
  • Reduce transport related carbon emissions to help Islington become carbon neutral by 2030
  • Reduce traffic and move away from the use of motor cars
  • Make Islington diesel-free and there will be a reduction in air pollution
  • Increase trips made by active transport like walking, cycling and use of public transport to help residents stay healthy
  • Have no deaths or serious injuries on Islington’s roads
  • Ensure every school in Islington is on a ‘school street’ to improve air quality and reduce road danger
  • Support bus journeys to be clean, quick and reliable
  • Ensure high or unfair transport costs will no longer be a barrier to travel
  • Better connected borough
  • Successful town centres and high streets.

You can read our Summary and Full Transport Strategy at the bottom of the page.

How to find out more?

If you would like to find out more, please come along to one of our events where you can talk with us in person:

  • Wednesday 11 September, 12:00 – 15:30 at 222 Upper Street, London N1 1XR
  • Monday 16 September 16:00 – 20:00 at Archway Library, 23 Highgate Hill, Archway, London N19 5LP
  • Friday 27 September, 10:30 – 14:00 at St Luke’s Community Centre, 90 Central St, London EC1V 8AJ

You can also email comments to: 

The deadline for responding to this consultation is Sunday 29 September 2019


Please fill out our survey by 29 September 2019.

Transport Strategy Consultation Survey

Next steps

Once the consultation period has ended, the feedback received will be considered and the strategy finalised before being adopted by the council in Autumn 2019.

Was this information helpful?

Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.