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Islington Local Plan Proposed Submission (Regulation 19)

This consultation has ended

Start date 05 September 2019
End date 18 October 2019

The Council is currently reviewing Islington’s Local Plan, which sets out a range of planning policies that developers seeking planning permission will need to meet in the future. It is necessary to create a new plan to take into account the changes in the borough – both now and in the future – in addition to changes across London, new priorities and the latest evidence on key issues, such as affordable housing. From 5 September until 18 October 2019 (a period of six weeks), we are inviting representations on the following Proposed Submission (Regulation 19) Development Plan Documents:

  • Strategic and Development Management Policies - the principal document in the Local Plan, which sets out strategic policies to identify where and how change will happen in Islington; and detailed policies to manage development.
  • Site Allocations - this document sets out site specific policy for a number of sites across the borough which will contribute to meeting development needs.
  • Bunhill and Clerkenwell Area Action Plan - a plan for the south of the borough, covering the majority of Bunhill and Clerkenwell wards, where significant change is expected to occur over the plan period. The plan sets out spatial policies covering different parts of the area with further policies to manage development. It also sets out site specific policy for sites in this part of the borough.

These documents are accompanied by the following proposed submission documents

Evidence which has informed the preparation of the Local Plan documents can be viewed here.

All of the proposed submission documents are available for inspection at Islington Town Hall, Upper Street, N1 2UD (9am-5pm Monday to Friday).

Representations on the proposed submission documents can be made by email to; or by post to: Freepost RTXU-ETKU-KECB, Planning Policy, Islington Council, Town Hall, Upper Street, London N1 2UD. All representations will be made publicly available on request and will be forwarded to a Planning Inspector when the documents are submitted for Independent Examination. Representations must be submitted by 23:59 on 18 October 2019. Representations submitted after this time will not be accepted.


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