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B1(a) to C3 residential Article 4 Direction

This consultation has ended

Start date 20 March 2018
End date 01 May 2018

In 2013, the Government introduced a Permitted Development (PD) right to allow office uses to change to residential uses without the need for planning permission. This right is granted by Schedule 2, Part 3, Class O of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015, and allows uses falling within Class B1(a) (offices) of the Schedule to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended) to change use to Class C3 (dwellinghouses).

The Council, in coordination with the Greater London Authority, successfully applied for an exemption from the PD right for Islington’s portion of the Central Activities Zone (CAZ), on the grounds that nationally significant office accommodation would be lost. However, the Government have announced that the current exemptions will be lifted from May 2019. In order to continue the protection of office uses in the Islington CAZ, the council must put in place Article 4 Direction to remove the PD right in the CAZ.

On 20 March 2018, Islington Council made an Article 4 Direction to withdraw this PD right from the CAZ in Islington. The Direction, a copy of the map defining the area to which the Direction relates and the public notice relating to the Direction can be viewed below; and at Islington Town Hall, Upper Street, N1 2UD (9am-5pm Monday to Friday).

You may make representations concerning the Article 4 Direction from 20 March 2018 until 1 May 2018 (a period of six weeks). Representations can be made by email to; or by post to: Freepost RTXU-ETKU-KECB, Planning Policy, Islington Council, Town Hall, Upper Street, London N1 2UD.
The Direction will come into force on 20 March 2019 if it is confirmed by the Council's Executive. When deciding whether or not to confirm the Direction, the Council will consider all representations received during the consultation period.

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