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St James Gardens

This consultation has ended

Start date 17 July 2017
End date 17 September 2017

We are running a consultation on our preliminary proposals for improvements to St James Gardens from 12 July to 17 September 2017.

St James Gardens is a popular open space in an important historic setting.  Islington Council Parks Service would like to refurbish the site to make it more attractive for everyone and improve its ability to withstand current high levels of use and occasional events. 

To help us develop our plans we would like to know how you currently use the site, what is important to you about it and what you think of our preliminary ideas for improving it. You can view our preliminary proposals by downloading the file at the bottom of this page. 

We are holding two public drop-in events where you can discuss the proposals with members of the project team and share your thoughts, ideas and aspirations for the gardens at the following times and locations:

  • 5-8pm Wednesday 19 July 2017 in St James Church
  • 12 noon to 7pm Thursday 27 July 2017 in St James Gardens

The plans will also be available to view in St James Church during the consultation period.

What happens next?

We will gather and examine the results of our survey and make them available on our website by the end of October 2017.   

We will then develop detailed proposals for Phase 1 works taking on board feedback received.  We intend to carry out the Phase 1 works during winter 2017/18 and early spring 2018.

We will look at the proposals for Phase 2 in the light of feedback received and develop more detailed proposals for further comment before submission for planning approval in early 2018.

To receive occasional updates on progress please include your email address on our survey form or email

If you do not have access to emails please contact Greenspace on 0207 5274926 to register to receive postal updates.

Any personal information you give us will be held securely for Council purposes. To find out more please visit

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.