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St James Church Open Space Prebend Street

This consultation has ended

Start date 16 January 2017
End date 17 February 2017

As part of a study into the local area two designs have been put together to improve the open space that fronts St James’ Church on Prebend Street.

The document below shows the two options and the existing layout. Elements of the two designs can also be interchangeable.

If you like certain aspects of one option, but they do not appear in the other option, please let us know.

Please email with any comments you may have on the proposals, for further information, or if you wish to discuss the proposals in more detail.

Project brief

  1. To develop design concepts for the open spaces around the Church to encourage use by the local community rather than simply spaces which are crossed on foot or by bike.
  2. To improve pedestrian movement, in particular from Prebend Street to Popham Street and Britannia Row.
  3. To provide a high quality setting to St James’ Church, with particular reference to views from Prebend Street.
  4. To widen and improve levels to the existing footpath to Prebend Street.
  5. To review the existing trees, and undertake management work to ensure continued health and vitality.
  6. Make recommendations for tree removals and replacement where appropriate.
  7. To review shrub planting locations to open up views across the site and to the Church itself.
  8. Working with Council Officers to develop a planting strategy to improve the biodiversity of the site.
  9. To make recommendations for improvements to the external space to the shops along Popham Street.
  10. To make recommendations for general streetscape improvements to Prebend Street.

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