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Local Plan: Scope of the Review

This consultation has ended

Start date 28 November 2016
End date 27 February 2017

Islington Council is consulting on the scope of its Local Plan review. Each Local Planning Authority is required to have an up-to-date Local Plan setting out the policies and proposals that will guide development in the area over the next 10 to 15 years.

Islington has an existing Local Plan made up of several documents including the Core Strategy (2011), Development Management Policies, Site Allocations and Finsbury Local Plan (all 2013). The Local Plan review will allow the Council to respond to changes that have happened at the national and London-wide levels since its existing policies were adopted, and consider the latest evidence on key issues.

The purpose of this consultation is to invite views on what should be included in the Local Plan, and represents the first stage in the formal plan production process.

The Local Plan: Scope of the Review document and summary information can be viewed below, for reference at the Municipal Offices, 222 Upper Street, N1 1XR (9am-5pm Monday to Friday) and local libraries (find your local library at

The consultation will run from 28 November 2016 until 27 February 2017.

The council will consider all responses received. Where appropriate, please cite evidence to support any comments. The information submitted, other than personal contact information, will be made publicly available with a summary published as part of the Local Plan evidence base; your name will normally still be displayed.

Call for Sites

As part of the review of our Local Plan we are carrying out a ‘Call for Sites’ to identify future development sites for a range of uses. We are inviting residents, landowners, developers, businesses, and local community groups to make suggestions for the future use or development of land including for: new housing, work places, shops, arts/cultural uses, community facilities, open space or a mix of uses. For further information and to submit a site please download the Call for Site form below.

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.