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Local Flood Risk Management Strategy Consultation

This consultation has ended

Start date 18 January 2017
End date 03 March 2017
Islington Council would like to hear your views on our draft Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS)

Islington has a low local flood risk, however, the LFRMS is necessary to help the council understand, manage and mitigate the risk of flooding. The strategy explains how we will work with other agencies and the community to reduce the likelihood and impact of local flooding.

The LFRMS covers: 
  • floods as a result of heavy rainfall
  • a river overflowing or its banks breaking
  • a dam overflowing

The strategy does not include floods from a burst water main or the sewer system.

The aim of this consultation is to help ensure that the strategy deals with the issues that are most important to Islington and to encourage stakeholders to responsibly manage local flooding. Your comments will help inform the final strategy. 

Give your views on the strategy (online survey) - deadline 3 March 2017
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