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Islington Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Consultation

This consultation is closed

Start date 24 October 2017
End date 24 December 2017

Do you have a view on the pharmacy provision in your local area?

We are consulting on a report that looks at whether pharmacies in Islington meet the current and future needs of Islington residents.

We are now inviting the views of Islington residents, pharmacies and other stakeholders, including anyone else who engages with Islington pharmacies to make sure the report contains accurate information and that the conclusions are appropriate.

The report influences applications for new pharmacies and changes to existing pharmacies, as well as commissioning decisions about services delivered by pharmacies. However, it does not aim to set out the plan or vision for pharmaceutical services in the borough.

You can read the Islington Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment draft here, and complete our short feedback survey.

Your participation should take no longer than 10 minutes.

All information you provide will be treated in strict confidence. You will be asked for your contact details so we can address individual queries but you can complete the survey anonymously if you wish. The information you give us will only be used for the purpose of this consultation and will not be passed to anyone else.

The consultation will close on the 23rd December 2017

Contact us with any questions or request a hard copy of the survey or report.

What is a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)?

The ‘Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment’ looks at the current provision of pharmacies in Islington and how well they meet residents’ needs. It includes information on each of the pharmacies in the borough, including their opening hours, the types of services offered by each, and how frequently the services are used. PNA documents are reviewed every three years. We have looked at this information on a ward-by-ward basis, and by different areas of the borough to ensure that people across the borough all have access to pharmacies late at night and at the weekends, and that pharmacies are offering important services such as the Minor Ailments Scheme, smoking cessation support and seasonal flu immunisations.

Our conclusions and recommendations

Based on this evidence, we have concluded that Islington’s pharmacy provision is suitable for Islington residents and the working population, and that there is sufficient capacity in the system to meet the needs of Islington’s population as it continues to grow.

However, we have also identified that there are areas for improvement, including ensuring that people are aware of available pharmacy services and opening hours, and addressing the areas where pharmacies can increase the provision of key public health programmes, such as Healthy Living Pharmacy. 

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.