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Drayton Park and Martineau Road

This consultation has ended

Start date 16 December 2016
End date 12 February 2017

Drayton Park and Martineau Road Proposed Width Restrictions

Since the removal of a previous width restriction in Drayton Park by Whistler Street the council has been requested by residents to reinstate a width restriction to prevent Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) using the area as a through route between Blackstock Road and Holloway Road. To prevent the accidents that occurred at the previous site the council is proposing to site the new width restrictions at:

  • Drayton Park - at the junction with Aubert Park
  • Martineau Road - between Drayton Park and Stavordale Road

The proposals are not intended to ban HGVs from the area completely as the existing 7.5 tonne lorry ban in the area does allow for access to make deliveries and collections. It is only intended to prevent commuting through the area.

As part of the provision of the width restriction, the council has reviewed the existing road layout and determined that the road widths in this location can accommodate the required layout that would incorporate bypass lanes for large vehicles in emergency situations. The proposal will also benefit from cycle lanes in both directions that link directly into existing cycle facilities on Drayton Park.

The width restriction in Martineau Road is proposed to prevent large vehicles effectively bypassing or taking an alternative route through the area by avoiding the proposed restriction in Drayton Park. Although this results in a loss of approximately six parking spaces in Martineau Road, three additional spaces will be provided in the proposed Drayton Park layout.

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