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Development of Holloway Prison site

This consultation is closed

Start date 16 August 2017
End date 03 October 2017

We are seeking feedback on draft planning guidance that sets out how the development of the Holloway Prison site should be approached by potential developers.

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) closed Holloway Prison in 2016 and is looking to sell the site to a developer soon. This is an important site with local historical significance and we want to ensure its future development meets local priorities and planning policies. 

We are therefore developing planning guidance, known as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), to provide further detail. We are looking for feedback on this draft guidance, which will be used alongside relevant planning policies to help make a decision on any future planning applications relating to the site.

The main objectives highlighted in the guidance include:

  • housing and in particular affordable housing
  • public open green space and play space
  • a women’s building/centre that includes space to support local organisations and promote employment opportunities
  • a small amount of commercial space
  • a high-quality design
  • good connections
  • high sustainability standards (including an energy centre to provide cheaper and cleaner energy). 

More information

  • Download the draft guidance that we want your feedback on below. There is also a summary document available to download.
  • Attend one of our drop-in sessions at John Barnes temporary library, Camden Road, outside Pangbourne House, Rowstock Gardens, N7 0BD: 
    • Thursday 7 September (5-7pm) 
    • Saturday 9 September (11.30am-3pm)

Have your say

Complete the short online survey (external website)


What happens next?

Once the consultation period is complete we’ll review all of the feedback received and use this to inform a final document which will be taken to our Executive for adoption.

Was this information helpful?

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