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Statement of Community Involvement

This consultation has ended

Start date 30 September 2016
End date 28 November 2016

The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets out how you can become involved in planning, including the creation of planning policies and planning applications.

Islington's current Statement of Community Involvement was adopted in 2006 and can be downloaded below.

From Friday 30 September to Monday 28 November 2016 you can have your say on a revised draft. Since 2006 there have been a number of changes to the planning system, planning legislation, council resources and the use of technology. The revised draft Statement of Community Involvement (2016) sets out how it is proposed to involve communities in planning, in light of this changed context.

You can download the document below or view it for reference at 222 Upper Street, N1 1XR (Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm). 

Any comments must be submitted by 5pm on Monday 28 November. A summary of comments will be made publicly available. Any comments may be accompanied by a request that the council notifies you when the document is adopted by the council.

The final version of the document will be adopted by the Council’s Executive. The council will notify anyone who requested to be informed of the adoption of the Statement of Community Involvement and will place the final version of the document on the council’s website.

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