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Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood Forum and Area consultation

This consultation has ended

Start date 09 October 2015
End date 20 November 2015

Islington Council is publicising applications from a community group, the Mount Pleasant Association, who are seeking to be designated as a Neighbourhood Forum and to designate the area shown on the reverse of this letter as a Neighbourhood Area. The proposed Neighbourhood Area falls within both the boroughs of Camden and Islington. From Friday 9 October to Friday 20 November 2015 Camden and Islington Councils are consulting residents, those who work in the area and other interested stakeholders.

If the applications are approved by both Camden and Islington Councils, there will be a designated Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood Area and a designated Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood Forum for the area. If such a designation is made no other organisation or body may be designated as a Neighbourhood Forum for that Neighbourhood Area until that designation expires or is withdrawn.

A designated Forum can produce a 'neighbourhood plan' for their designated area; this is a statutory planning document which contains planning policies for the development and use of land in the neighbourhood.

The applications are available to view on the council's Neighbourhood Planning webpage.

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