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Kate Greenaway Nursery and Children's Centre - Proposed expansion

This consultation has ended

Start date 06 November 2015
End date 18 December 2015

The Government has set a target for all councils to increase the number of childcare places for 2 year olds and offer additional full-time places for 3 and 4 year olds by 2017.

In order to meet this target in Islington we will have to expand our current nursery provision and we think Kate Greenaway Nursery is a great choice for this. We want to expand the nursery to create 24 additional places for 2 year olds, and an additional class for when they turn 3 and 4.

We propose to do this by adding an additional storey to the existing building, without any changes to the existing Community Hall.

This consultation is your opportunity to let us know what you think of our idea. Your responses will be kept confidential.

There will also be a public meeting held on Saturday 14 November at 2pm at Kate Greenaway Nursery and Children’s Centre, where you can find out more about the proposals and ask any questions you might have.

You can read more about the Kate Greenaway proposed expansion here and submit your response by accessing our online survey.

Please get in touch by Friday 18 December. You can call Hayley Ormsby on 020 7527 5814, email or write to Islington Council, Children's Services, Laycock Street, Islington, London, N1 1TH.

Contact information

 Main contact  Hayley Ormsby

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.