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Finsbury Sq & Farringdon Station proposal (Zone C)

This consultation ran from Monday 6 July until Monday 7 September 2015 and has now closed. Thank you to those who provided feedback.

Following the outcome of the consultation, the Council’s Executive agreed to introduce extended controls in Finsbury Sq & Farringdon Station (Zone C) due to public support. You can see details of the report that went to the Executive and the decision here.

Details of the original consultation are below.

Why is it necessary to review parking controls in this area?

Finsbury Square and the area around Farringdon Station continues to develop; with a huge amount of investment underway it is increasingly being seen as a central part of the capital. Not only are new housing and business developments bringing more people to the area, but we are also seeing increasing numbers of visitors to bars, restaurants and clubs. As well as putting pressure on parking in the immediate area, it is also spreading out and impacting on the rest of Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) C.

The Zone C CPZ was introduced to protect residents and manage parking safely and fairly. However, since the last review in 2007 the area has evolved and no longer offers adequate protection for our residents.

What is proposed in this area?

The council is proposing to extend the hours of operation to protect parking for existing permit holders during busy evening hours. This includes:

  • Extending controls to 24hours, Monday to Saturday and then 12am - 6am on Sunday.
  • Introducing new free e-vouchers for residents’ visitors Monday to Friday from 6.30pm - 8.30am the next day. Then on Saturday 1.30pm - 6am the next day.
  • Introducing a £2.40 flat rate pay and display evening charge to cover the extended period from 6.30pm - midnight, Monday to Saturday.

map of Finsbury area

What is the current situation in this area?

You can see the current CPZ locations and times of control on this plan. [n.b. Not available as consultation now closed.] 

The consultation

To have your say on the consultation in this area, please complete the survey. [n.b. Not available as consultation now closed.]

The closing date is 7 September 2015.

If you would like to see the other CPZ consultations we are also running, please go to the Overview page.