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Domestic Abuse Counselling

Domestic Abuse Counselling Service

The Islington Council Counselling Service is a specialist therapeutic support service for people of all genders, aged 16 and over who live in Islington and are survivors of domestic and sexual violence. We work with survivors who:

  • Have given their explicit consent to be referred to the service by a professional
  • Have been affected by domestic or sexual abuse at any point in their lives
  • This can include physical, emotional, psychological, sexual, financial abuse, coercive control, honour-based violence, FGM, stalking, prostitution, harassment and other harmful practices
  • Are able to commit to regular counselling sessions on a weekly basis at agreed times and are able to manage their time in order to attend and make appropriate childcare arrangements Solace can assist you to arrange childcare
  • Are emotionally resilient enough to manage their own safety in terms of coping with possible anxiety or emotional pain that might come up without this posing a risk to their well-being
  • Want to make changes happen for themselves and are willing to consider personal possibilities
  • Are not currently receiving counselling with another service or about to start soon
  • The counselling service is unable to provide crisis intervention support or give emergency appointments if a service user is in immediate psychological crisis and potentially at risk. If this is the case, please refer client to GP or to the appropriate Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) or in a case of immediate emergency call an ambulance on 999.

For enquiries and referrals (including self-referrals) contact:
Tel: 020 7619 1360