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Broken window icon

Become a Safe Haven

Information on the Safe Haven scheme for businesses, including what they do, how to become one and advice when someone needs help.

What Safe Havens do

If a member of the public is in danger, feels threatened or harassed on the street, is unwell or just in need of some help, a Safe Haven sign in the window of a local business, tells them they can get assistance from the premises.

  • Assistance could be keeping them safe, talking to them and calming them down, calling the police, calling the ambulance, or calling their friends and family.
  • Premises display a Safe Haven sticker in their window so that residents know it is a safe place
  • 'In Case of Emergency' (ICE) cards are available so if someone needs assistance, they can go to the Safe Haven business and show their card to someone there. The card will explain who can help them, such as a friend or relative.

Apply to become a Safe Haven 

Apply now

As a member of the Safe Haven scheme, we will send you regular newsletter updates by email.

If you don't want email updates, or want to leave the Safe Haven scheme, contact

Advice for Safe Haven locations

  • In an emergency situation (such as when someone requires urgent, medical attention or when there is a crime in progress) call 999. To report a crime when the situation is no longer urgent, call 101. Offer reassurance. 
  • Make sure the person knows you are happy to help them. Tell the person your name and your role so they know who you are 
  • Avoid physical contact, some people may react in unexpected ways. 
  • Speak slowly and clearly. This gives the person the best chance to understand what you are saying. 
  • Ask if they have an 'In Case of Emergency' card (ICE) on their person. This allows you to call their contact person if necessary. If you do call their contact person, ask for them to come as soon as possible. If they do not have an ICE card, ask them if there is someone you would like them to contact. Call them and ask them to come as soon as possible.
  • Provide support. This may be giving directions or bus details, or signposting to council services through the council website or leaflets.
  • Stay with the person, if possible until their named person or emergency services arrives.

If you need further advicem please contact the community safety team on 020 7527 3304.

Frequently asked questions

I am interested in helping but worried how much work it might involve? 

The scheme is designed to be as simple as possible and shouldn’t impact significantly on your time. It means a lot to people that there are places they can go to for help if they need to.

Do I need to have a CRB or DBS check? 


Why do we have to display the logo in our window?

Many people relate to visual cues especially those with learning disabilities. It also allows people who are in an unfamiliar area to identify a place to get help.  

What if I’m unable to understand or help the person? 

If the Safe Havens user has their Safe Havens card on them there should be contact details for a person to call. If the matter relates to a criminal incident, anti-social behaviour or concern for someone’s safety, welfare or health, dial 999 in an emergency. 

Will this cost me anything? 

The local authority will cover the cost of the literature, signs and the running of the scheme.

Do staff need to be trained in first aid? 


Useful numbers

In an emergency always call 999. To report a crime which is not urgent, please call 101. You can contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.