We are working closely with our partners, including the police and the voluntary sector to tackle knife crime across the borough. We recognise perpetrators can also be victims and that they are not just young people. We ensure that there is a balance between support and enforcement when working with people affected by knife crime and we are continuing to adopt a trauma informed approach.
We are continuing to work with our services and partners, such as Targeted Youth Support, parenting programmes and the Ben Kinsella Trust to educate people around knife harm and how to stay safe.
We are also looking at other things we can do to reduce the impact of knife crime by introducing ‘No knife shops’, ‘knife bins’ and advice for parents and carers on how best to approach the issue of knives and knife harm with young people. You can find out more information about any of these things by clicking the links below.
Who to contact
If you have any concerns about a young person becoming involved in crime please call 020 7527 2600 for help and advice.
If you have been a victim of crime and would like support, call Islington Victim Support on 0808 168 9111.
If you want to report a crime or anti-social behaviour incident in your area call the non-emergency number: 101.
Always dial 999 in an emergency.
Knife bins in Islington
Knife bins in Islington
Knife harm advice
Advice for parents and carers on how best to approach the issue of knives and knife harm with young people
No knife shops
Your shop can become one of our No Knife Shops