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Neighbourhood watch and safer neighbourhood board

Neighbourhood watch

Neighbourhood watch play an important role in helping to prevent crime and anti-social behaviour and making neighbourhoods a safer place.

Watches are in regular contact with the local police so minor problems can be dealt with before they develop and being part of an active community helps deter criminals.

If you would like to know more about neighbourhood watch and if there are any in your area visit neighbourhood watch.

Safer neighbourhood board

The safer neighbourhood board was set up in 2014 by Islington Council and the police to give local people and victims a greater voice in setting policing priorities and improve consultation between the community, the council and other partners.

What is the board responsible for?

  • Setting local policing and crime priorities – to ensure the right focus on the most important crime and safety issues for local residents
  • Monitoring police and partner performance and the communities confidence in tackling crime
  • Ensuring communities are more closely involved in problem-solving and crime prevention
  • Deciding how project funding provided by the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) is spent in Islington.

Who sits on the board?

Membership is made up of a range of community representatives including members from police safer neighbourhood panels, faith groups, victim support, student unions, the Independent Custody Visitors’ Panel, the Stop and Search Monitoring Group, Hate Crime Forum and Community Network.

The board is independent of the police, council and other statutory bodies and no politicians or police officers have voting powers or hold positions such as chair, vice chair or treasurer. In what is thought to be a first for the UK, the board is co-chaired by a young person to make sure the voice of young people is heard in our community safety work.

Attend a safer neighbourhood board meeting

Due to Covid-19 the Safer Neighbourhood Board meetings are taking place online. If you are interested in attending then please contact

Get involved in your local safer neighbourhood panel

You can voice your concerns and opinions through your local safer neighbourhood panel or neighbourhood policing team at any time – these will then be fed back through the board.

For information about your local safer neighbourhood panel please contact your local neighbourhood policing team sergeant or dedicated ward officer via the Metropolitan Police website. Use your postcode to find your area.