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Volunteer for independent school panels

Volunteer to be part of a panel for school admission appeals or exclusion reviews, get training and play an important role in the community.

Independent panels are made up of three volunteers, supported by a trained and experienced clerk. Hearings are held online or at Islington Town Hall.

What panel members do

Volunteer panel members:

  • sit on independent admission appeals panels and exclusion review panel hearings
  • make sure parents feel they have had a fair and independent hearing, with every opportunity to put their case forward
  • make important decisions that impact children’s education - it is important that panel members take their responsibility to come to a reasoned decision. 

How and why hearings take place

School admission appeals

If a parent is refused a place for their child at a school, they can appeal that decision. The law sets out how these appeals are heard and who can hear them.

Independent exclusion reviews

If a governing board of a school upholds the headteacher’s decision to permanently exclude a child from their school - meaning the child cannot return to that school - the parent or guardian can ask for a review of the decision. 

Who can apply

Anyone can apply to be a volunteer panel member except:

  • Islington councillors
  • people who work for Islington Council.

Skills and experience

You should: 

  • have good interpersonal and communication skills
  • be an excellent listener
  • work well with others
  • be honest and want to do the right thing (integrity)
  • believe in fairness for everyone.


All panel members get training before sitting on a panel. You will complete the training at least every two years to keep your skills and knowledge fresh.

How often you can sit on a panel

As a panel member you are part of a large group of volunteers. This means you can sit for appeals only when you are available.

Appeals are held:

  • throughout the year
  • on weekdays
  • during term-time.

The busiest time for panels is between May and July when appeals are heard for children moving into reception or year 7 at a new school. The number of appeals in a week could be just one or there might be enough for two whole days of appeals.

You will get refreshments at hearings and a light lunch if the hearing goes over lunchtime.

How to volunteer

You will be volunteering your free time to a very important unpaid role in the borough that can make a big difference to people's lives. Thank you for considering giving your time to do this.

If you want to talk about the role with someone or just apply, contact with 'volunteer panel member' in the subject.