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Apply for a school place in-year

How to change school mid-year, or get your child into school if you’ve just moved to Islington

You need to use our in-year admission online form to apply for a school place when you:

  • are new to Islington and need a school place
  • want a change of school
  • need to apply for a reception or year 7 place but you moved to Islington after the closing date. The eAdmissions application site will remain open until mid-August and you will still be able to make your application on the e-Admissions page. If you arrive in Islington after mid-August, then you will need to make an In-Year application.

Waiting lists will be cleared at the end of each term and you must submit a fresh application if you wish to remain on the school(s) waiting list(s).

We cannot reserve school places in advance, so if you and your child(ren) are moving to Islington, do not submit an in-year application any earlier than two weeks before your child(ren) arrive.

Please note that Crown Servants or Armed Forces personnel can apply in advance of their arrival in the UK with sufficient evidence of their posting. See DfE guidance here.

Choosing the right school for your child  

  • talk to your child – involve them as much as you can
  • think about what's right for your child – don’t rely on what others tell you or what you read on parenting websites
  • you can view all primary schools in Islington and view all secondary schools in Islington 
  • visit schools – contact the school for visiting dates. 
  • think about the journey – how easy will it be to get to the school? A local school means your child can walk from home, benefitting their health and the environment.
  • check the admission criteria and in the school fact file
  • choose up to three schools – your application will not be treated more favourably because you only pick one and you could lose out on another school you like

Apply online

Don’t complete this form if you want to apply to a private school. 

If you need further advice, contact the School Admissions team. They can’t tell you which schools to apply for, but they can explain the admission criteria and tell you where there are vacancies.


You may also need to complete a supplementary information form (SIF) for some schools. This information is included in primary school and secondary school brochures. The SIF must be sent directly to the school. You must still complete the online e-in-year application form. 

Help filling in your online application 

Phone: 020 7527 5515 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday for advice.

What happens next 

Your application gets sent directly to the school you are applying to. A decision should be made within 10 school days, but can take up to 15 school days in some cases. You will receive a letter from the school to let you know the outcome of your application. If you have not received an outcome letter, please contact the school in the first instance and then the Admissions Team if you have not had a response.

Proof of your address 

The address you give must be your child’s current permanent address (the place where your child spends most of their time Monday to Friday).

You need to provide the school with one of the following: 

  • Your council tax reference number (you can find this on your council tax bill).
  • A copy of your most recent rent, mortgage statement or tenancy agreement, issued in the last 12 months. Please hide/cover any financial information before providing this document.
  • Two documents which show your address, issued in the last 12 months e.g. a utility bill, bank statement, or a letter from your GP, hospital, dentist or optician (Please hide/cover any financial information before providing this document).

Proof that your child lives with you

You also need to provide one of the following: 

  • A copy of your most recent child benefit or family tax credit letter, as long as it shows your child’s name and address. This must have been issued in the last 12 months. Please hide/cover any financial information before providing this document.
  • Two documents from the following:
    • A letter issued in the last 12 months from your child’s GP, dentist, hospital or optician. 
    • Child Trust Fund document or Junior Individual Savings Account (ISA). Please hide/cover any financial information before providing this document.
    • The page in your child’s health record book that has their name and address.  

Please email your documents to Don’t delay your application, even if you don’t have all the proofs of address that we need – we’ll contact you later with advice on what to do.

Fair Access Protocol 

Islington’s Fair Access Protocol ensures that children without a school place are found a suitable school quickly.

Online school applications terms and conditions

When you submit your online application for a school place, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:

  • you have read the relevant information and guidance outlined in Islington’s primary/secondary brochure
  • you understand that you must supply the required evidence to verify that all of the information given is correct. You also understand that if you fail to provide this evidence, your application may not be processed
  • you understand that you must advise the School Admissions team as soon as you are aware of any changes in your family circumstances that may affect the processing or outcome of this application
  • you wish to apply for the schools listed on your online application
  • you certify that you are the person(s) with parental responsibility for the child named in the application and that the information given is true to the best of your knowledge and belief
  • you also understand that any false or deliberately misleading information given on this application and/or supporting papers, or any relevant information withheld, may render this application invalid and could lead to the withdrawal of an offer of a school place
  • if you are requesting priority under the exceptional social grounds/medical criterion, you must provide professional evidence (e.g. a letter from your doctor, educational psychologist) and complete our social medical application explaining why this is the only school that can meet your child’s needs
  • if you are requesting priority, where an older sibling already attends the school, the sibling's name and date of birth must be supplied in the relevant section of the form. For this priority, a sibling includes a full, half, step or adopted brother or sister who lives at the same address and will be on roll of the preferred school at the time of the proposed admission in the new academic year
  • you understand that if you have applied for any schools which require a Supplementary Information Form you must complete and return the form directly to the school.

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