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Family icon

Family Hubs

Find out about Islington's three Family Hubs delivering our services for families with children ages 0 to 19, or up to 25 for special educational needs and disabilities, and how you can help us make the best of these in your area

Family Hubs bring together lots of different services for children and families to make a single ‘front door’, making it easier for families to get the help they need at the right time.

Family Hubs offer:

  • help and support to families from pregnancy up until age 19, or up to 25 for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
  • important Start for Life services - covering the critical 1,001 days from conception to age two
  • Bright Futures - whole family support to families with school-aged children up to 19 years old or 25 with SEND

Family Hubs are a welcoming and inclusive way into services. Whatever you need support with, everything you need is in one place.

Hub address

  • Islington’s Family Hub Central, New River Green Children’s Centre, N1 2SX.
  • Family Hub South, Bemerton Children’s Centre, N1 0DX.
  • Family Hub North, Hornsey Road Children's Centre, N7 7EN.

Help us shape the future of our family services

We want parents and carers from all walks of life to help us develop plans that bring together our support for families.

If you would like to be part of our parent/carer panels, register your interest on our Parents and Carer Panel page.

Help finding what you need

Family Information Service

You can get information and advice about childcare, activities and services for parents and carers, children and young people 0-25 by:

Baby and toddlers

0 to 2 years old

Visit our Start for Life pages for help and information about preparing for and raising a baby.

  • Baby on the way - from staying healthy in pregnancy and preparing for the new arrival to your mental health and thinking about childcare
  • Baby's first year - here you'll find out how to register the birth, about health visitors, things to do with a baby, development and tips on being eco-friendly
  • Toddlers - find out about courses on parenting toddlers, free early learning, speech and learning to talk, teeth and oral health, free books and things to do

0 to 5 years old

Head to our Bright Start page where services, advice and support are all available, including our Start for Life pages for children aged 0-2 years old.

This includes information about:

  • feeding your baby
  • childcare
  • free early learning
  • children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
  • speech and language
  • vaccinations
  • parenting programmes
  • your mental wellbeing.

School-age children - 5 to 19 years old



Whole family support for families with school-aged children up to 19 years old, or 25 with SEND. 

Young people - 11 to 19 years old

We can help with career choices, services, and relationship advice for young people aged 11 to 18 years old

Help with childcare and family costs

We have a range of support to help make paying for childcare, school uniforms and meals and other expenses easier.