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Find childcare and early education

Registered childcare and early education in Islington is available at nurseries including children’s centres, with childminders and at after-school and holiday clubs.

Find local providers

Islington subsidises childcare at a range of nurseries, including 8 nurseries managed directly by the council, so that your childcare fees will depend on household income, how many hours of childcare you need, the age of your child and whether or not you live in Islington. Find funded nurseries.

If you're having difficulties finding childcare, contact the Family Information Service on 020 7527 5959 or email 

What to look for when choosing childcare 

Registered childcare is inspected by Ofsted. Find further advice and information on choosing childcare

How to apply for childcare 

Apply directly to each provider for childcare and early education, including nursery classes in schools. You do not apply through the Council – there is no central admissions process. 

Islington's Early Years admissions policy (PDF) sets out how we offer places at council-funded nurseries, including children’s centres, nursery classes in schools and community nurseries.

Starting school - the reception class 

Children in Islington usually start school in the reception class of primary school, in the school year in which they turn five. You need to apply online for a primary school place

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