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Childminding groups

Collage of children taking part in activities including painting

Childminding groups

Childminding groups offer opportunities to meet other childminders and share practice. They are supported by a qualified practitioner who can help further your expertise. Childminders can get resources from libraries and toy libraries while some free workshops are also available at the childminding groups. Islington offers high quality training to prospective childminders as well as experienced childminders to keep up to date with their knowledge. 


  • Caxton House Community Centre, 129 St. John’s Way, N19 3RQ. Telephone: 020 7263 315. Open from 10am-12pm. Term time only


  • Willow Children’s Centre, 1a Holbrooke Court, N7 0BF Telephone: 020 7527 1990. Open from 10-11.30am. Term time only
  • Golden Lane Campus Children’s Centre, 101 Whitecross Street, EC1 8JA. Telephone: 020 7786 4800. Open from 10-11.30am. Term time only
  • New River Green, 23 Ramsey walk, N1 2SX. Telephone: 020 7527 8465 (Bright Start Central). Open from 9.30-11.30am. Term time only
  • New Orleans Community Centre New Orleans Estate, Hornsey Rise N19 3SY. Telephone: 07849 169765. Open from 10am-12.30pm


  • Highbury Roundhouse Community Centre, 71 Ronalds Rd, N5 1XB. Mobile: 0750 498 6388. Open from 9.30am-12.30pm. Term time only
  • Whittington Park Early Years Hub, Holloway Road, N19 4RS. Telephone: 020 7263 6896. Open from 9am- 12pm
  • New Orleans Community Centre, New Orleans Estate, Hornsey Rise N19 3SY Tel: 07849 169765 Open from 10am-12.30pm 


  • Highbury Roundhouse Community Centre, 71 Ronalds Rd, N5 1XB. Mobile: 0750 498 6388. Open from 9.30am-12.30pm. Term time only
  • Whittington Park Early Years Hub, Holloway Road, N19 4RS. Telephone: 020 7263 6896. Open from 9am- 12pm
  • Conewood Children’s Centre, 14 Conewood Street, N5 1DL Telephone: 020 75274440. Open from 9.30-11.30am. Term time only 


  • Caxton House Community Centre, 129 St. John’s Way, N19 3RQ. Telephone: 020 7263 315. Open from 10am-12pm. Term time only
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