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The adoption process

The adoption process is broken down into two stages. The first stage helps you decide if adoption is right for you, while the second is where we make sure that you are suitable to become an adoptive parent. The approval process should take six months.

The first step is to contact the Adoption North London recruitment team; you’ll find details at the bottom of this page. They’ll have an initial discussion with you about adoption and will invite you to an information session. After you attend the session you will be sent an 'Expression of Interest' form to complete and return.  

Stage One (two months) 

This is where we help you find out if adoption is right for you. We’ll undertake some references and checks, such as local authority checks, medical and personal references and a criminal reference check. We will invite you to a Foundation Training Day where you’ll meet other people who want to adopt. This stage will help you understand more about becoming an adopter and how you will parent a child from care. 

You’ll be given a workbook to complete and have the support of a social worker. Stage One is complete when your social worker confirms you can move onto Stage Two. 

Stage Two (four months) 

We'll be getting to know you better and thinking about the children you could best parent. Your social worker will complete your assessment. To help you prepare for your new life, there will be preparation training over three days, while completing the assessment with your social worker. 

We'll write a report about you and your family life, with a focus on how well we think you could parent an adopted child. This report will be presented to an independent panel, and you’ll be invited to the panel meeting when they make their recommendation that you become an adoptive parent. The final decision will be made by a senior officer at Islington Council. 

Once this decision is made and you're approved, we’ll share details of the children we think will suit you. 

If we decide that you can’t adopt 

If you disagree with our decision, you can: 

  • challenge it by writing to us
  • apply to the Independent Review Mechanism, who will look into your case 

Adoption North London 

Phone: 020 7527 4777; Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm



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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.