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Sales of age restricted products

'Age restricted products' are products which can affect the health and well-being of young people for example alcohol or a knife. ‘Underage sales’ is commonly used to describe the illegal supply of these products to young people. See all age restricted products further down the page.

Trading Standards carry out regular checks to ensure traders do not sell age restricted products to underage persons, and operate a Responsible Trader Scheme at assist traders to comply with these laws.

If you suspect any traders in Islington who are supplying age restricted products to underage persons you can report it to Citizen's Advice through the button below.

Report underage sales

Call Citizens Advice consumer service 0808 223 1133.

All reports will be treated in the strictest confidence and you can remain anonymous if you wish.

We will investigate the complaint and, if necessary, arrange a properly supervised 'test purchase'. To find out what this is please see further down the page.

Age restricted products

  • tobacco and nicotine inhaling products
  • aerosol spray paints
  • alcohol
  • cigarette lighter refills and solvents
  • crossbows, air weapons, etc
  • fireworks
  • knives and other bladed items
  • sunbeds
  • video recordings and games for sale and hire

What are test purchases?

All businesses may be subjected to a ‘test purchase’ where you are tested as a trader by us at Islington Council to see if you are complying with the age restricted law.

To ensure you are complying with the law as a trader go to the Business Companion site to see all the age limits for the different products.

Their website also has useful guides to help prevent underage selling.

The ACS website also provides detailed information on what prohibitions there are on the minimum age of buyers.