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Business advice and charging policy

The description and terms of Islington Council's Trading Standards business advice and charging policy including how to request it and what we give advice on.

About this policy

This policy describes how we decide whether advice or ancillary services provided to a business by us will be subject to charge or provided at no cost. The policy also specifies what those charges will be.

Business advice is a discretionary service and we will only continue to provide it at no cost where it is directly linked to our enforcement activities. 

Where a business wants to seek advice from us, they have got three options:

Activities not subject to a charge

Where we give advice as a result of enforcement-generated activity, we will not charge. However, our advice will be limited to the extent that we deem appropriate, given the circumstances and may be subject to charge if additional or extended advice is requested by a business.

Activities subject to charge

Business advice and ancillary services 

Below is an indicative but not exhaustive list of what this includes.

  • Advice on Trading Standards matters that may impact on a business (including a review of all products/services for compliance with Trading Standards legislation).
  • Assessment of product labelling for compliance with relevant legislation.
  • Formal or informal analysis of goods.
  • Assessing new or revised terms and conditions for compliance.
  • Assessment of brochures, leaflets or websites for compliance.
  • Delivery of training and talks to businesses.
  • Site visits and inspections at the request of the business.
  • Attendance at special events to minimise the risk of illegal trading at the request of the event organisers.

Response times

All requests for business advice will be acknowledged or responded to within five working days of receipt. If the enquiry is complex or is likely to take time to respond to we will discuss and agree a timescale with the business and provide a written quotation for the work.

Fees and charging arrangements

We charge £80 per hour or part thereof. 

We will tell you the total cost in advance. You must make the payment before we provide the service. 

How to request paid-for advice

Email with:

  • Details about your query. This is so we can check we're able to help and to give you a quote.
  • The name of your business. This should be its legal identity.
  • The address of your business. We only offer our advice service to businesses in Islington, excluding postal-only or mail forwarding addresses.

If we can offer our advice service:

  • we will email you with information about the cost and give you a reference number.
  • you must pay for the service. By paying for the service, you are confirming that you agree with the terms of agreement.


This policy will be reviewed periodically.

Terms of agreement

  • By requesting this service, you confirm that you have the authority to solicit the services on behalf of your business.
  • The charge is £80 per hour of part thereof.
  • Payment must be made in advance.
  • Payment includes up to 30 minutes assistance with any potential queries or clarifications requested once advice is received. Any additional work is chargeable in advance on the same terms.
  • We (Islington Council) are subject to legal duties which may require the release of information under the Freedom of Information Act
  • We will use the information that you have supplied for the purposes of maintaining a record of the advice given and its invoicing. The information will be retained for seven years.
  • We enforce a variety of legislation. Our duty to investigate any allegations of breaches of legislation and the provision of advice under this scheme does not affect this duty in any way.
  • The use of the services under this scheme does not entitle you to use any of our logos or claim any affiliation with or approval from Islington Council.
  • If you have any queries or are not satisfied with the quality of the services provided under the scheme, please contact the Trading Standard Manager in the first instance.

Contact us

If you would like more information or if you have any questions, please email