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My eAccount and payments are now working as normal following essential website maintenance.

Some online forms are still unavailable, but we're working hard to get these back online.

If you can't do what you need to, try again later. We're very sorry if you are affected by this essential work. 


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Cost of doing business support

Help and advice to support businesses through the cost of living crisis.



  • Business Audit Scheme: a free audit for your organisation to identify ways you could reduce your environmental impact, including energy, transport, and waste.
  • CargoShift Islington: get free support to help your business switch to sustainable transport.

Islington Sustainability Network

Islington businesses of any size can join the Islington Sustainability Network. The network is a local community focused on environmental best practice and the transition to a Net Zero Islington.

Businesses, community groups and non-profit organisations can become members. 

Sign-up to the newsletter and express your interest in becoming a member.

Find information about more schemes and funding opportunities on the Islington Sustainability Network website. 

Other support

The following organisations offer more general information around business support and advice: 

  • There is one place to access all the free support needed to help grow businesses. Whether for a hairdresser, wholesaler, mechanic or any small business owner, Grow London Local gives London’s small business owners access to expert business support. It’s online or in-person and designed for micro and small businesses. Any small business owners in London can simply book an in-person session to speak about the right support they will need to grow their business for free.
  • The Growth Guarantee Scheme is the successor scheme to the Recovery Loan Scheme that was launched in August 2022. It is designed to support access to finance for UK small businesses as they look to invest and grow.
  • The Energy Savings Trust provides useful advice and resources on energy and sustainability topics for businesses
  • New Ofgem guidelines to make it easier for micro businesses to switch energy providers