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Full market trading licence

A full market trading licence is when the trader is allocated a specific permanent pitch and is charged a monthly fee.

We welcome all new applications to become a street trader. To help you succeed in your application, please consider the type of goods or service you are proposing. We are looking for varied, diverse and unique products to complement our markets, and this may determine the success of your application.

You are advised to visit trading locations or see our IslingtonLife website for more information on our markets. If your proposal is around the sale of take-away food, please also take a look at this.

How to apply to become a street trader

If you have a product or service which you would like to sell as a street trader on one of Islington's designated pitches or markets; you can register interest in street trading and we would be happy to consider your proposal.

What happens next?

If we are unable to accommodate your product or service, your details will be kept on a waiting list for up to six months. We will contact you only if we are able to consider your application.

If we are interested in your proposal – you will be invited to submit a street trading full licence application form and a non-refundable administration fee. On receipt of this we will invite you to attend an informal meeting to discuss your proposal which will determine the success of your application. Providing your application is successful, we will agree a date to commence trading. You will then receive your street trading licence and stall card.

The first licence you will be issued will be for six months and referred to as a ‘temporary’ licence. During this time you will be monitored on attendance and compliance with the street trading conditions before a full license can be granted.

Licence administration fees

A ‘temporary’ licence is £30. Full licences fee for up to one year costs £30, up to two years costs £40 and one for up to three years costs £50.

Trading fees

Licence holders are invoiced on a monthly basis. The monthly fee is dependent on which market you trade from. Payments can be made by methods stated on your invoice.

Full licence renewal

A full licence is valid for up to three years. All applications will join the December renewal date. We will write to you before that date inviting you to re-apply for your licence.

Licence variation

If you wish to vary your licence - for example change or add a commodity or transfer to another pitch, you should discuss the changes with the street trading manager. There is a £30 fee if you are looking to make changes to your licence.

Licence surrender

If you wish to surrender your licence, you must write to us enclosing your licence and stall card. The licence surrender date must be the last day of the month and you will continue to be charged monthly rental unless we are notified. If you have any queries or questions please ask the and they will be happy to help.