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Applying to trade on private land or to renew an existing private land licence

If you wish to sell anything from a front garden of a property to customers on the footpath you need a licence; or from a piece of land that is within 7 metres of the public highway and not enclosed, you will need a Street Trading (Private land) licence.

To apply or renew please complete this online form and make the non-refundable administration payment. £100 for New Applications, £30 for 1 year’s renewal.

 After applying for a licence, we will carry out a consultation process that may include: 

  • asking local residents (two addresses either side of the location) to comment on the application 
  • searching the Land Registry to obtain permission from the land owner/freeholder 
  • consulting with local police.

If you wish to discuss your idea before applying please email

Trading fees for private land

Banding Per week Per month
Street banding A £38 £164
Street banding B £27 £117
Street banding C
£13 £56.33

More information on street banding.