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My eAccount and payments are now working as normal following essential website maintenance.

Some online forms are still unavailable, but we're working hard to get these back online.

If you can't do what you need to, try again later. We're very sorry if you are affected by this essential work. 


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Special treatment premises licence renewal

Special treatment premises licences are granted on an annual basis and you must apply for a renewal every year.

The renewal application must be submitted before the expiry of the current premises licence, if not, the licence will lapse and a new application must be approved before licensable treatments may again be provided.

If there are any changes to the business or its ownership, such as a change to the named licence holder, changes to the licensable treatments and/or layout plan, then contact the licensing service before renewal submission, as additional applications may be required.


  • it costs £381.70 to renew a licence for a premises providing one or more low or standard risk treatments 
  • it costs £764.50 to renew a licence for a premises providing one or more high risk treatments. 


  • You need to complete the renewal application form. Please note. the application must be made by the named premises licence holder.
  • Payments must be made online, we no longer accept cheques or cash.
  • Alternatively, you can email to request an application form for email submission.  On receipt, a payment link to pay the relevant fee online will be provided.  The application will only be considered valid once payment has been received.

After you apply

You must exhibit a notice of renewal for 28 days from making your application. The notice form can be downloaded from ‘Useful documents’ below. 

We will be in contact if there are queries with your application.

The application will be deemed approved, unless otherwise advised, at the end of the 28 day consultation.  The renewed special treatment premises licence will then be issued in due course.