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My eAccount and payments are now working as normal following essential website maintenance.

Some online forms are still unavailable, but we're working hard to get these back online.

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Premises plan requirements

If you're applying for a new special treatments premises licence or making variations to a licence that includes changes to layout you need to supply us with a detailed plan of the premises.

The plan should be in Standard Scale 1:100 and show: 

  • the extent of the boundary of the building, if relevant, and any external and internal walls of the building and, if different, the perimeter of the premises
  • the proposed treatment rooms
  • the location of points of access to and egress from the premises
  • if different from above, the location of escape routes from the premises
  • fixed structures (including furniture) or similar objects temporarily in a fixed location (but not furniture) which may impact on the ability of individuals on the premises to use exits or escape routes without impediment
  • in a case where the premises includes any steps, stairs, elevators or lifts, the location of steps, stairs, elevators or lifts
  • in a case where the premises includes any room or rooms containing public conveniences, the location of the room or rooms
  • the location and type of any fire safety and other safety equipment
  • the location of a kitchen, if any, on the premises.

Please note, freehand drawn plans will be rejected.