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Licence applications, renewals, variations and transfers

We have determined there is a sufficient number of sex establishments operating in Islington. However, we will consider each application on its merit.

We send current licence holders invoices for renewal fees and the required renewal application forms. If you are looking to transfer or make a variation to a licence, please contact the sex establishment licensing team.

If you are looking to apply for a new licence, please follow the instructions below. 


We have determined that there are a sufficient number of sex shops, sex cinemas and sexual entertainment venues currently operating in the borough and we do not want to see an increase in the numbers of premises that are currently providing these activities. We have adopted a policy to limit the number of sexual entertainment venues in the borough to ‘nil’.  However we will consider each application on its merit although new applicants will have to demonstrate why we should depart from our policy.

Applicants are advised to read our 'Sex establishment policy' before applying for a licence.

Possible exemptions

Premises that hold events involving full or partial nudity less than once a month may be exempt from the requirements to obtain a sex establishment licence and potential applicants are advised to contact us for further advice.

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