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Some online forms unavailable

My eAccount and payments are now working as normal following essential website maintenance.

Some online forms are still unavailable, but we're working hard to get these back online.

If you can't do what you need to, try again later. We're very sorry if you are affected by this essential work. 


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Notification of an interest in a premises

If you have a legal interest in a licensed premises you can apply to be notified of any licensing matters affecting the property.


If you're a company, business or individual with a property interest in a licensed premises you can notify us of that interest.  

By ‘interest in a licensed premises’ we mean: 

  • the property freeholder/leaseholder
  • a legal mortgagee of the property
  • a person in occupation of the property.

If you tell us that you have an interest in the licensed premises we will let you know if there are any changes made to the licence.

It is not a legal requirement to register your interest; it's at your own discretion.

The notice will last for 12 months and you'll need to give us a new notice each year.   

Apply for a notification of interest 

You can give notification online. You'll need to: 

  • provide your details 
  • pay a £21 fee using a debit or credit card
  • give the name and licence number of the premises
  • give details of your interest in the premises. 

You can apply online at the GOV.UK website.

Apply online