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Energy consultancy service

Our award-winning service offers a unique insight into the use of energy and carbon within the public sector from corporate building performance through to social housing stock.

If you are interested in any of the services detailed below, email


We offer assistance with various compliance schemes, including British Standards and ISO standards. This includes internal auditing and assistance with obtaining certification.

We can also produce Display Energy Certificates for public buildings such as council offices and schools.

Domestic energy and fuel poverty reduction

We run the award-winning SHINE service (Seasonal Health Interventions Network) on behalf of a number of external funders. SHINE is an innovative single-point referral system to identify fuel poverty and trigger a series of support interventions.

The SHINE package includes telephone and face-to-face energy advice from dedicated advisors, as well as an ‘Energy Doctor’ home visiting service to install small measures, such as draught excluders and energy saving bulbs. We offer support to access relevant discounts, priority registers, and debt support. Our holistic intervention network provides an example for the effective integration of public services, and maximises resident incomes and home energy efficiency.

Energy management

This service is offered to schools and other organisations. We can help you understand your energy consumption and translate forecasts into cashable carbon and financial savings. 

Our service includes:

  • carrying out energy audits and surveys
  • energy consumption and targeting
  • providing budgeting information
  • heating and condensation surveys
  • enabling compliance with best-value performance
  • energy strategy for planning
  • preparing applications for external funding
  • energy efficient design advice.