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Icon of a shop and £ sign

Small Business Rate Relief

Some small businesses are entitled to a reduction on their Business Rates - find out if you are eligible.

You can get small business rate relief if your:

  • property’s rateable value is less than £15,000
  • business only uses one property - you may still be able to get relief if you use more than one property.

You cannot get small business rate relief and charitable rate relief at the same time. We will decide which type of relief you’re eligible for.

How much relief you can get

How much small business rate relief you get depends on your property’s rateable value.

You will not pay business rates on a property with a rateable value of £12,000 or less, if that’s the only property your business uses.

For properties with a rateable value of £12,001 to £15,000, the rate of relief will go down gradually from 100% to 0%.

Generally, this percentage reduction (relief) is only available to ratepayers who occupy either:

  • one property of a rateable value no more than £28,000 or 
  • one main property and other additional properties as long as they each only have a rateable value of no more than £2,899 or collectively are no more than £28,000. 

If the rateable value, or aggregate rateable value increases above £28,000, relief will stop from the day of the increase.

How to get Small Business Rate Relief

Apply for the first time

Apply now 

If you meet the eligibility criteria but haven't received the relief, contact us on

If your circumstances change

You need to tell us if:

  • you start occupying another property 
  • there has been an increase in the rateable value of a property you occupy in an area other than Islington and we are granting you rate relief.

You can tell us about any change of circumstances by downloading and completing the 'Notify us of a change in circumstances' PDF form. Please email the completed form to or post it to: 

Business Rates Team
PO Box 34750
London N7 9WF